Some Old Testament Timeline Facts
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Here are some Old Testament timeline facts that I think help put it in perspective:
- The first Olympics were held at about the time of Jonah.
- Daniel was about 80 years old when he was in the lion’s den. That incident took place about the time of Confucius and Buddha.
- At about the time of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, indoor plumbing was first being developed.
- Socrates live about 500 years after King Solomon.
- King Tut probably ruled Egypt just a few years after Moses led the Children of Israel to the Promised Land.
- The Parthenon in Greece was built about the same time that Esther was queen in Persia.
- Rome was founded about the same time that Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, and Micah were prophesying.
- Nehemiah built his wall about 200 years before the Great Wall of China was built.
- The legend of the Trojan horse dates back to the time of Judges.
- Cleopatra was queen of Egypt 30 years before Jesus was born.
- Old Testament history occurred before the Mayan calendar, before Plato, Aristotle, and Julius Caesar.

by Briton Rivière (1890)

(King Tut’s Burial Mask compliments of Google Images)

(Great Wall of China compliments of Google Images)
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Very interesting!