The show is titled Resolution, and each work describes that artist’s resolution. My piece is shown at the bottom – Buy Organic is an oil 40” x 60” that looks enormous in our house but does not look so large in the gallery. My resolution is:
I have solemnly resolved to buy organic to:
- lessen my carbon footprint
- avoid harmful pesticides
- avoid genetically modified food
- avoid excess packaging
- avoid chemical additives and nutritional deficiencies of packaged food
- resist the trend toward monoculture
- help protect healthy soil, clean water, and heirloom seeds
- and as a more effective, prudent way to nurture and feed the world
I strove to paint this intention as a future envisioned large, hopeful and brightly abstract– a landscape with patterned fields, flowing water, and sustainable distribution. I sought to avoid the stereotypical focal point in favor of a more organically inspired composition. I chose to utilize texture to underscore the increased flavor of organic produce in all its variety, as well as a primitive style to emphasize the beauty of a homegrown, back to the land, lack of sophistication.
Organic foods are more safe and pure, but require a conscious choice, based on a long-range view, that this painting hopes to highlight and inspire.
It is especially fun to see this show by reading the intent behind each piece. Check out thee Guild’s website for directions and hours, as well as the teaser of works photographed below.