Solstice Poem (by Polly Castor)
The longest night of the year pivots, turns, and tends towards more expansive light...
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First Snow of the Season (Photos)
I love how the snow lands on the tree limbs, defining them singularly by contrast. I also love how...
February Flowers Around Our House
It makes me so happy coming downstairs in the morning to such gracious beauty. I am very grateful...
Driving our Youngest Back to College
We had a whopping, great conversation the whole way, and I can’t be grateful enough that we can talk...
End of February Photos
We've had some balmy weather recently after that cold arctic blast we had a couple weeks ago, so all...
Recent Photos of Mine on Instagram
I was convinced start using Instagram, and now I'm confessing to really enjoying it.
Hammonasset Beach Photos in Early February
I loved the blue– almost purple!– in the snow shadows, and the textures of the grass, trees, and shrubs....
Snow Photos
Although yesterday's snowstorm dumped over two feet on our kids at college, we got off comparatively easy with only...
Quote from John Updike about Cold Temperatures
Cold is busy knitting intricate six-sided snowflakes by the billions...