Mirror Work (Book Review with Quotes and Affirmations)
If you actually do what she says here you will have some epiphanies and will make progress in your...
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Love in the Church (quote by Charles Louis Reilly)
Love in the church is the inevitable and irresistible result of the fact that the church belongs to divine...
Keep Your Thoughts Positive (Mahatma Gandhi quote)
Keep your values positive, because your values become your destiny....
Best Websites for Free Internet Learning
Here are some terrific websites and apps where you can accelerate your learning at no cost
New Year’s Resolution for 2023: Tech
Here’s to finding a way to embrace tech (instead of avoiding it) and bringing my use of it up...
Assessing Last Year’s Resolution
The trick with this margin resolution will be to see if I can keep feeling and defending sufficient breathing...
Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down (Book Review with Quotes)
This is not religious content, as much as common sense, distilled down to its essence.
Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Seven Life Principles
All that you need for growth and guidance in life is already present inside you.
I am not the Source
It brings immediate relief from a whole menu of concerns, and frees me to have a brilliant day, joyfully...