Quote: She Let Go
“She let go. Without a thought or a word, she let go. She let go of the fear. She...
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Some Quotes about Children and Education
I've collected these quotes about children and education from Facebook friends... Enjoy!
Growing New, Not Old
Wednesday evening meetings in our church are a time for the congregation to share what has been helpful to...
Book Review: Steal Like an Artist
I originally saw this little volume during my recent visit to the MOMA, and I was pleased to be able...
Inventing Abstraction Show at the MOMA
Yesterday I was delighted to go into the city with a friend to see the Inventing Abstraction show at...
Quoting Myself
“The more you are grateful for what is, the more there is to be grateful for.” Polly Castor
Recent Quotes from Friends on Facebook
Facebook can be a very inspiring place if you have the caliber of friends I do! For example,...
Howard Thurman Quote
"When the song of the angels is stilled, When the star in the sky is gone, When the kings and princes...
Christian Science Quotes I’ve been Pondering
“Ah, children, you are the bulwarks of freedom, the cement of society, the hope of our race!” Mary Baker...