Bits and Clips for February 2025
I hope you find something among all this artwork, photography, memes, links, and quotes that spurs you on, inspires,...
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Acceptance (Poem by Kerry Hardie)
I don’t know how else to explain the calm of this grey wetness with hardly a glimmer of...
Bits and Clips December 2024
I hope you find something among all this artwork, photography, memes, links, and quotes that spurs you on, inspires,...
Refugee (Post Christmas Poem by Malcolm Guite)
We think of him as safe beneath the steeple, or cosy in a crib beside the font, but he...
Snowy Night (poem by Mary Oliver)
Last night, an owl in the blue dark tossed an indeterminate number of carefully shaped sounds into the world...
The Truelove (Poem by David Whyte)
There is a faith in loving fiercely the one who is rightfully yours...
Antidote for Fear of Not Being Good Enough (Poem by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer)
Nothing magical about it unless you count all the sunlight dribbling like praise down my chin.
Bits and Clips November 2024
I hope you find something among all this artwork, photography, memes, links, and quotes that spurs you on, inspires,...
The World We Make (Poem by Alfred Grant Walton)
We make the world in which we live, by what we gather and what we give...