Posts tagged with ‘life lessons’

  • Don’t Be Anything Less

    By on April 26, 2017

    Find someone who sees everything you are and the potential of you.

    Polly Castor
  • Agony (New Good Friday Poem by Polly Castor)

    By on April 14, 2017

    Forgiveness is always justified, even today when it looks so very dark and glowering...

    Polly Castor
  • Be a Celebrator not a Critic

    By on April 10, 2017

    Always remember there is a human being on the other end of every exchange and behind every cultural artifact...

    Polly Castor
  • Projects and Divine Mind’s Direction

    By on March 12, 2017

    Glide instead of trudge. Work out from perfection instead of up to it. Enjoy the refreshing breeze of...

    Polly Castor
  • Success is Determined by Progress

    By on March 7, 2017

    Success is not defined by the opinions of others, not measured by wealth, power, or fame...

    Polly Castor
  • Comparing Yourself to Others? Look Deeper.

    By on February 4, 2017

    My husband wrote today's religious article in the Christian Science Monitor. You can read it here online or below:

    Polly Castor
  • Famous Emmet Fox Quotes

    By on January 15, 2017

    "Attention is the key to life. Whatever you really give your attention to, you become. Whatever you really concentrate...

    Polly Castor
  • Fruits of the Spirit

    By on January 8, 2017

    Please join me in actively striving to think out from the singular, enlightened, divine Mind instead of our many,...

    Polly Castor
  • Ways to Improve Your Life

    By on January 3, 2017

    Here is a cursory list of simple ways to improve your life:

    Polly Castor
  • Book Review: One Thousand Gifts

    By on November 20, 2016

    ...her life was turned upside down and burst open by finding gratitude to God for the slightest little gifts...

    Polly Castor
  • Rise Up and Build

    By on November 10, 2016

    I am incredulous, disappointed, staggered, shocked, appalled, deeply concerned, and excruciatingly frustrated. My heart cries out for all women...

    Polly Castor
  • Attempting to Fly from Emptiness?

    By on October 2, 2016

    Choose wisely how you fly.

    Polly Castor

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