Nothing is Far (Poem by Robert Francis)
Here we are, contemplating, between the known and the unknown, wonderful which is more real.
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Recent Pages in my Bible Lesson Journal
Take a peek and see what I've been thinking about during my daily spiritual study.
Bible Lesson Study Journal (Photos of Recent Pages)
Take a peek inside my spiritual study. I encourage you too to use a journal for yours.
Absolute or Relative (Choose the Better Way)
What is the difference between the absolute and the relative, and why is it a useful distinction?
Because God Said So (New Abstract Painting)
Listen to God, try the spirits, and if good, be obedient.
My Forum on Faith Article In Three CT Newspapers Today
This is about equality and the power of a premise.
“Why Would God Do This to Me?” (Polly Preaching #5)
We have dominion and agency. Let's use it to be aligned with an infinite, all good God.
A Bouquet of Mother’s Day Flowers (A New Poem with Lots of Photos)
Flowers! Such an abundance of beauty and gratitude and joy! Thank you to the Mother of all creation.
Messiah (Movie Review)
Watch this, feeling, discerning, and asking questions all the while. I give this provocative show five stars.