Tips on How to Say No to Others
Get comfortable defining and defending your own priorities and boundaries, and avoid over extending yourself.
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Struggling: Up to or Out from ? (Deep Think #26)
Basically the choice is struggling to get something or accepting that spiritually you already have everything you need.
Beyond Selfie Culture to Balanced Self-Expression
For a more balanced approach to self-expression, pay attention to the internal more than the external, keep your sense...
Mastery and Diligent Practice
Take the time to be thorough, conscientious, and devoted to what you are practicing. Your progress will be your...
Polly Answers Your Questions (#10)
I think the key to stress free cooking, is low pressure: be creative, have fun, stay ahead of the...
Getting Rid of Bland Denials of Truth
Be alert to any preoccupation with any limiting belief or any thought not based on goodness.
How to Overcome Regret
I have been hugely benefited by loosening the clutch of regret through forgiveness, reframing, and finding gratitude where I...
My Article is Featured this Week for Women’s History Month
It is fun to have this highlighted and to read again this blast from the past.
Your Spiritual Authenticity (Talk I Gave at the Congregational Church)
Last Sunday morning, I gave a talk at the Ridgefield Congregational church. This is a synopsis of what I...