Four Other Paintings from 2020
Here are four paintings I did in 2020, that had not yet made it onto the blog:
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Loom our Younger Daughter Made from Saplings in Our Yard
Our daughter made this amazing warp weighted loom last summer.
Two New Abstract Paintings in Pastel
In both of these paintings, I was exploring concepts while also trying out new techniques. I'm happy with the...
Merchandise in my Shop Perfect for Holiday Gift Giving
Great gifts ideas available in the shop on my website!
Henrike Gomber (Featured Artist)
I love the exuberance of color and depth of expression in these heads by Henrike Gomber.
Memes About Creativity
The quotes on these memes capture in quick snapshots the essence of this concept that the dictionary defines as...
Advice to Artists (new Poem by Polly Castor)
...as the quality sky rockets and someday you'll arrive.
Transfiguration (New Bible Story Painting)
Here is an abstracted depiction of the Transfiguration as related in Matthew chapter 17.
Creativity and Spirituality are Interconnected (Quote by Julia Cameron)
God is the Great Artist. We are creations and we are intended, in turn, to be creative ourselves.
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall (New Abstract Painting in Pastel)
How often do you consult a mirror? What answers do you get there?
In Utero (New Abstract Painting in Pastel)
Contemplating a baby in the womb and their integrated relationship with the mother...
Two New Abstract Painting Experiments
Here are the results of me recently trying some new things on black paper.