Two New Non-Objective Paintings in Pastel
Trying alcohol washes in abstract work to get a contrast of edges, was effective and fun in creating these...
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My Private Hideout in the Sun-drenched Forest (New Painting in Pastel)
Here is is my hideout in the woods, with the sun streaming in, surrounded by vibrancy, color, and all...
A Firm Foundation (New Conceptual Painting in Pastel)
This painting brings my structural engineering into play, I suppose, but this idea is not only important physically, but...
Two New Paintings in Pastel (One a Fundraiser for Ukraine)
If you wish to buy the painting For Ukraine, I will contribute the money to Ukrainian refugee relief.
Eight New Paintings in my Artist Journal
I muse and listen while I do these, and try things that may or may not work out.
Four New Paintings in my Artist Journal
I've been working a lot in my artist journal, which is a great place for me to process stuff.
Limited Palette Value Study in Pastel (Tree Bark and Leaves)
The strong contrast, the interesting broken line mark making, and the diagonal design element bringing energy to the piece,...
A Page in My Artist Journal (Process Photos of See No Evil)
The series of images below gives you a good idea how non-objective work evolves.
Now on YouTube: My PowerPoint Talk on Abstraction
Settle in, and I'll inundate you with ideas and images. Hopefully, it will teach you to understand and appreciate...
Three New Non-Objective Abstractions in my Artist Journal
This kind of work adds to my understanding of how materials influence a piece's outcome, as well as generates...