India Ink Collage Papers
When making black and white collage papers with india ink yesterday, I started liking some of them for their...
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Through a Glass Darkly
As we head into this holiday weekend full of Christian import, it is helpful to remember that were are...
Featured Artist: Brad Murray
Brad Murray is an artist of unique passion and depth of soul. He unleashes a wonderful use of color...
New Abstract Pastel: Rubaiyat
This rather intense, high contrast abstract painting in pastel I have just completed. It is titled Rubaiyat, after the...
Two New Abstract Pastels
Both of these abstract pastels have very textured underpaintings that were thrilling to paint on. I will be doing...
Two Abstracts in Acrylic: Under the Microscope
For quite some time I've wanted to do some abstract paintings of images under the microscope, and for some...
Grayscale Doodles
Grayscale is something I will be experimenting with more this year to heighten my sensitivity to value relationships in...
Featured Artist: Bruce Riley
I have only recently become acquainted with Bruce Riley's work but I love it.