The Next Frontier(New Acrylic Painting with Collage)
Painting is certainly a great way of pondering the unknown.
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Painting Advice (While Looking at Work by Jane Davies)
Through this process, you'll hone in on work that feels both authentic and good.
New Pages in my Artist Journal
Working in an artist journal is calming and beneficial to your mental health, as well as an outlet for...
Water, Snow, & Air: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (New Conceptual Painting)
Can we just embrace nature already, instead of fight against it out of human insecurity or hubris?
Come to a Zoom I’m Giving Today Explaining Abstract Art
I'm always interested in helping people understand and value abstraction.
Trying to Understand (New Collage)
To communicate here the struggle to understand, I intentionally broke compositional "rules" to lend a more chaotic feel.
Charlotte Kaplan (Featured Artist)
I love the collages made by Charlotte Kaplan, and wish she was better known.
Wonder What Will Happen (New Abstract Painting)
This is the first painting I've sone in my new extra large artist journal that I purchased in England.
Contemplating Relevant History (New Abstract Painting in Pastel)
I painted this sitting outside on a beautiful day in October, listening to history.
Bill Scott (Featured Artist)
His beautiful color sense and use of circles is very similar to my own, and since we are both...