Poem: Another Blizzard
Another Blizzard Grocery store so crowded all carts are in use inside a buzz of people line up to...
Best of 2013
Wow. I’ve finished five years on this daily blog. That's 1,825 entries! Here's an extensive list of best...
Christmas Music Videos and a Poem
I love the Christmas music videos attached below! And our (future bureaucrat) daughter offers the attached poem: The Night...
Poem by Leslea Newman
Secret Sometimes when the morning sun streams through the kitchen window and I’m washing the dishes or opening...
New Poem: The Problem with Bullies
The Problem with Bullies With bullies you lose whatever you do. Most bullies don’t realize they...
Poem: My Mother Passed on Today
My mother passed on today. My mother passed on today. No tribute will ever be adequate. I was...
Poem: Isle au Haut
Isle au Haut …surging, lapping, thrashing tides, in and out sharp cliffs, jagged stones, pinnacle precipices and squeaky,...