Black & White Wigwam Photos
It is not everyday that you get to go back in time and take genuine wigwam photos… Here are...
Photos of the Barn at New Pond Farm
These photos are of the barn at New Pond Farm. They include photos of the pasteurization room and the last...
Frog Frolic
Our fifteen year old had a great time today playing with a tribe of young kids. She caught...
Photos of a Hot Walk at New Pond Farm
When it is hovering just below 100˚ with lots of humidity it can feel like the longest day of...
Photos of Houses in my Neighborhood Last Spring
I took these photos on some of the nice days early this spring but never got around to posting...
“Scanner Photography” by Ellen HoverKamp
These exceptional photos (yes, done by a high resolution scanner!) are also available in the New Pond Farm Photography...
Photos of Our Yard on Memorial Day
Home is an ideal that soldiers have given their lives for over the centuries, so it seems appropriate to...
This Year’s First Swim at the Quarry
It’s been a stunningly beautiful weekend. We went for our first swim of the season, and could not...