Day Before Ellie and Brock’s Wedding (Flowers and Photos)
What a fabulous day of coming together, of love, and of wedding preparation and anticipation!
Amazing Mushroom Sighting
Find something around you today that strikes you as an incredible act of nature. If you are paying attention,...
Flowers and Produce from our Yard (October 2021)
We've had many gallons of tomatoes, lots of peppers, both large and small, raspberries, herbs, arugula, zinnia, elephant ears,...
Grace Notes #36 (with Photos)
I am furthering my ongoing goal of appreciating such a continuous, overflowing abundance of random good.
September Hike Photos from Huntington 2021
Follow me around through the photos on this post as I revel in my local nature.
Late Summer Farmer’s Market (Still Life Photography: Produce and Flowers )
I can see how these weekly visuals totally effect my art, can't you?
People at Creative Arts Camp 2021
I love the people at Creative Arts Camp. They are intelligent, innovative, talented, open hearted, fresh, kind, faithful, principled,...