Bits and Clips for October 2016
As usual, I have separated the links by topic to assist you, but this month, because of the coming...
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Hold Close to Your Essential Self
Hold close to your essential self. Get to know it, the way you get to know everything in the...
Bible Translation Resources
Good Bible translation and reference tools on websites, in apps, and books that I would recommend.
Astro Gallery of Gems
If natural collections are something you or yours are into, you'll want to put visiting this place on your...
David Abrams Quote: Talk to, Not only About
How insulting to the other beings--to foraging black bears and twisted old cypresses--that no longer sense us talking to...
Grace Notes #1
"Grace notes" will occasionally capture my jottings of incidental gratitude for sacramental moments in the shards of daily...
Walt Whitman Quote: “This is What You Shall Do”
...dismiss whatever insults your own soul; and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest...
Bits and Clips for September 2016
This is a monthly feature on this blog where I share the best that I read, listened to, watched,...
Why I Don’t Drink Alcohol
Once you’ve experienced the clean living high of a well connected bliss, you will not trade it for anything....
Mid Maine Botanical Gardens
Highly recommended for its beauty, and a great place to play with a child!
What a Good Decision Feels Like
"When something is right for me, I always have an indescribable sense of peace about it. Knowing that this...