Lessons from Moses
I'll briefly summarize the story of Moses, then I'll highlight some of the lessons my Sunday School class gleaned.
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I Missed You! (The Blog is Back)
What happened is that after 9.5 years of blogging everyday, this site grew too large for our (affordable) server....
Happy Fourth of July with Links
We had a quiet day here, reading on the front porch while the Firecracker Race runs by, chatting by...
Refuse to be Homogenized
It takes courage to stand one’s ground against homogeneous thinking—thinking that simply melds into what everyone else is thinking.
24 Mistakes (by Jim Palmer)
Putting church over community. Putting orthodoxy over love. Putting certainty over wonder. Putting teaching over conversation...
Bits and Clips for May 2017
I hope you find something in the links below that is inspiring, transformational, intriguing, educational, beautiful, yummy, or motivating...
In the Company of Women (Book Review)
Lets keep forwarding and amplifying the kind of authenticity, permission, and innovative ingenuity, expressed in these pages!
Bits and Clips for April 2017
I hope you find something in the links below that is interesting, thought provoking, helpful, inspiring, fun, or enlightening
JustServe App
Those seeking volunteers can post their needs and occasions, both ongoing and/or incidental, and those looking for ways to...