Bits and Clips for September 2024
I hope you find something among all this artwork, photography, memes, links, and quotes that spurs you on, inspires,...
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My Loyalty is to the Inner Vision (quote by Mary Oliver with comment by me)
Does focus on one's inner vision compromise one's outward life?
Think Again (Book Review)
Getting yourself to "think again" is one thing, but getting someone else to do so can be quite another...
Grace Notes #55 (with Photos)
I am furthering my ongoing goal of appreciating such a continuous, overflowing abundance of random good.
Bits and Clips for August 2024
I hope you find something among all this artwork, photography, memes, links, and quotes that spurs you on, inspires,...
Creative Arts Camp 2024 (Inspirational Bits and Cherry Island Swim Photos)
"There is no impact but Love."
What is a Friend? (Quote by C. Raymond Beran)
A friend? What is a friend? Just one, I repeat, with whom you dare to be yourself."
To Not Love is More of a Risk
Loving is the whole point of life, and to not love is the greatest risk of all.
Stillness is Un-Conflicted (Quote by Erich Schiffmann)
Stillness is not the absence or negation of energy, life, or movement. Stillness is dynamic.
Seven Blunders of the World that Lead to Violence (Mahatma Gandhi quote)
Here's how to avoid problems...
Bits and Clips for July 2024
I hope you find something among all this artwork, photography, memes, links, and quotes that spurs you on, inspires,...