Abstract Painting Exercise: Pouring, Spraying, Throwing Paint
I had a great time doing these. I threw, spattered, and poured paint. It was especially fun to drop...
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Leaning Tree at Camp Newfound (New Landscape Painting)
Here is the painting I finished at camp yesterday. I was attracted to the strong diagonal composition and how...
Three Quotes About the Power of Art (by Karen Montanaro)
Karen Montanaro, an instructor at Creative Arts Camp, summarizes the power of art in these three short quotes.
Exercise: Down the Road from Oz 1 & 2
Here is the first exercise I did in my painting class from camp. We were to paint a still...
Back At Creative Arts Camp
This is a church camp and I love the intersection of Christian Scientists and creative people. They are both...
Two Pottery Pieces Fresh Out of the Kiln
Both of these pieces that I have done in sgraffito have recently emerged from the kiln.
House, Gardens, and Art at Hill-Stead Museum
If you haven't seen this small gem, it is definitely worth the short amount of time it takes to...
New Pastel Painting: Amaranth in the Gardens at Hollandia
The gardens here locally at Hollandia nursery are amazing. I have always wanted to paint them. Here I was...
I was Featured in the Pastel Society Newsletter
It is interesting that she chose her theme of me as a risk taker– not something I always see...
Featured Artist: Anne Ryan
She was a poet that started doing collage at the age of 57, and went on to create 400...
A Visit to the Yale University Art Galleries
Stop by this gem the next time you are in Connecticut near New Haven! You'll be really glad you...
Walking in the Light (New Abstract Landscape by Polly Castor)
I had a great time painting this! See the entire painting above as well as some details below.