Recent Black and White Photographs

Recent Black and White Photographs

recent Black and White Photos

Here is what winter has looked like around here for the last two months. Lots of gray, black and white. We’ve had snow, frigid temperatures, ice caking every twig, and now some melt as the days get longer. Having not hiked at Huntington in two months, I’ve had to make do with rare walks around town, avoiding the ice and coldest winds as best as possible, but grateful to ever be out at all.

It has been calming to focus on the simplicities of contrast in black and white here in my local environment, when so many people seem to be in turmoil at large. Oddly enough, noticing and enjoying how the light kisses the edge of a fence post, helps anchor me in eternal Principle, sheltered from the sea of temporal concerns.










































I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Liz 6 hours ago

    Thank you for this. Keeping it simple today. xo

  2. Myra Rucker 5 hours ago

    I loved this! Thank you for sharing!!!!

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