“Comparison often causes a lot of stress, especially when it leads to feelings of inadequacy…
“But comparison can also be a friend! It can serve as a guiding light, signaling what you truly desire. Instead of fearing it, you can use it as inspiration for your future choices and direction. It took me a long time to see comparison in this way, but now I don’t fear it.
“There will always be people further along their journey in any aspect of life—health, wealth, family, and art. This will never change. However, it’s so important to remember that there are also thousands of people behind you, eager to reach where you are now…
“So, ask yourself: where do you feel those twinges of comparison, and what might they be signaling? What areas in your life need growth? What small steps can you take this year to move toward those changes? Begin your journey with these small actions and move your creativity in the direction you desire!”
by Sam Boughton