What You Can Do About the Biggest Security Breach

What You Can Do About the Biggest Security Breach

What you can do about the biggest security breach

This is not a political blog and this is not a political issue or post.

Do we want to stand by and allow the constitutional process to be torn down?

I’m here to amplify good, and I would say defending good is part of that.

To quote Edmund Burke,”The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”   So in order to amplify good, I feel strongly that we can’t look the other way, or bury our head in the sand, as tempting as that may sound in the short run.

Over weekend, Elon Musk with six young men (19-24 years in age), illegally and literally overtook the United States checkbook and the State Department intelligence of the US.

This cyber coup was remarkably easy, and amounted to bullying just a few people, none of which called the cops. This largest security breach in US history has wide ranging ramifications.

Classified information is now in their hands, and they are illegally eliminating swaths of budget items, social services, and jobs that have been approved by congress, which all of us need and want, and which they have no legal authority to do.

Not only is the ripple effect of this disastrous, it is not being reported on right wing news services at all.

I would submit that the people we know that voted for the current president, do not want due process of law to be circumvented by an unelected rogue billionaire and his young techie cohort, nor did they vote for them to be making the decisions about use of our personal information or our tax dollars.

Somehow we need to quickly inform these friends of ours of this breach, and urge them to overwhelmingly let their Republican representatives know that this behavior is completely unacceptable.

We may fundamentally disagree on some things, but we need to ALL come together on what we can agree on, which is that our government must be run LEGALLY. Without that baseline– for both parties– we are in for serious trouble as a nation and world.

Please do not be cynical about this and do nothing. Reach out and at least try to have your voice of reason be heard to those who can make it heard in turn.

Doing so is amplifying and defending good.  This is on our watch.

I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. K 1 month ago


  2. Darlene Stein 1 month ago

    The quote by Edmond Burke is so true, and yet much of the country is happily going along with the current major changes in our government. The loud voices of a few in power can cause people to happily go along, until one day we are no longer a free society. History says it’s so. Thank you for sounding the alarm.

  3. Liz 1 month ago

    I have been writing my Repub senators. I found an action group right here in my local area when I searched by zip code on the website Indivisible. I am doing my human best, and keeping my prayers centered on spiritual truths that are undeniable, indefatigable, inexhaustible, all-powerful, active, etc.

    • Author
      Polly Castor 1 month ago

      Thank you

  4. Phyllis McDonald 1 month ago

    My thoughts exactly. I woke up this morning with alarm bells ringing in my head about what is going on with Elon Musk and asking myself why is nothing being done by our elected officials. Where are the guard rails? Our system of government is under attack. Is it broken or being broken? I will be writing or calling my elected officials today but alas they are Democrats. I will still write to them and post your blog on my social media. Thank you Polly for publicly sounding the alarm bells.

  5. Margaret 1 month ago

    This is just nuts. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Emily Kendrick 1 month ago

    Very important. Thank you.

  7. Jinx 1 month ago

    I don’t remember seeing Elon Musk on the ballot.

    Now trump doesn’t care about his base bc he’s never running again so he’s just doing whatever he wants with no guardrails. And giving musk whatever he wants.
    Almost unbelievable ….

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