Creative Arts Camp 2024 (Last Day Student Showcase)

Creative Arts Camp 2024 (Last Day Student Showcase)

Wow! What a full and terrific week. For the student showcase, my students hung their work on the closeline and this worked very well. You can see photos of most of my students with their work (grrrr I missed one of them!) first below, with the warm reception they received.

Then below some photos of participants, you can see the work of the artist in residence, and some other classes, including theater, leather working, as well as the other collage class who used magazines to reproduce reference photos.

We all had a great time! With several helpful hands, the bazillion things I brought for my class were suddenly back in my car, and I’m swiftly home after a smooth 6 hour drive.

And please note that the woman in the last photo rode that tandem bike with her husband all the way from Bow Isle in British Columbia in a snaking path connecting all the Christian Science Camps, to end up at ours in Maine. They did this for fun, but also to highlight the availability of the campership fund. It was 5,000 miles, they did it in exactly 3 months, at the pace of 60-120 miles a day! Again, wow.

































I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Myra Rucker 7 months ago

    Wonderful!! Looks like such fun mixed with lots of good work!!

  2. Emily Kendrick 7 months ago

    Thank you for sharing about the wonderful week at Creative Arts Week. There is such a lovely sense of all the community’s love, creativity and fun so visibly expressed in your photographs.

    If anyone wants to donate to the worthy cause for which Karin & Jon Heath rode…here is the website:

  3. Meg+Hanson 7 months ago

    Sometimes I forward your blog posts to my sister, Betsy Clarke. She is interested in the art stuff (she has been learning oil painting) as well as book and movie reviews and inspirational stuff. Anyway she is here at my house at the moment, so we looked at the Creative Arts camp student work on this post together. We recognized Karen Heath in the last photo right away! Karen’s husband Jon is the foster son of some good friends of ours. Betsy had recently told me about Karen and Jon’s cross country bike ride. Wow.

    • Author
      Polly Castor 7 months ago

      You should have your sister come to Creative Arts Camp sometime. And Karin was wonderful.

      • Meg Hanson 7 months ago

        I am sure my sister would love the camp.

        • Author
          Polly Castor 7 months ago

          End of August every year at Newfound & Owatona. We should remember to encourage her to come.

  4. Elizabeth Drury 7 months ago

    These are wonderful images that truly capture the joy and productivity we experienced at camp. Thank you for encouraging our artistic expansion!

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