Cluny Brown (Book Review)

Cluny Brown (Book Review)

Cluny Brown book Review

I came to own this book, after reading a review in the New York Times. The novel was written in 1944, and apparently there was a film made of it in 1946, although it is different, I hear.  Anyway, I’m so glad I finally read it!  No wonder someone was still was talking about this little gem eight decades after publication. This classic, literary romp, featuring an unconventional parlor maid in an English manor house, was just the right kind of diversion.

As an orphan, Cluny was raised by her uncle in London. He was a respectable plumber, and at his wit’s end about what to do with his niece, so he sent her “into service” with the hopes that she would finally “learn her place.”

Cluny is on the one hand naive and innocent, and seemingly needs protection, but she is also authentic, brave, and adventurous beyond what is normal or expected. She clearly knows and trusts her own convictions. She’s unconventional, and oblivious regarding “what people think,” which is so very refreshing to see exemplified. She considers more possibilities than other people do, and shouldn’t we all?

The writing here is so wonderful, reading it was effortless and light. I’m so glad to find this author and hope to read more by her; it seems she’s written a lot!  Here are some bits from this one:

“. . . their idea of the best was being shut up in a box—in a series of smaller and smaller boxes until you were safe at last in the smallest box of all, with a nice tombstone on top.”

“At least something was happening to her, and all her life that was the one thing Cluny Brown consistently desired. Not to be ignored by fate, even at the price of a bludgeoning; not to be mewed up, even from the storm; not peace, in short, but plenty.”

The book Cluny Brown was at once intelligent and fun, with a character I found fascinating. A difficult thing to pull off!  I am confident Cluny will continue to make the most of her choices, beyond the last page of the book, whatever challenges may assail.

You too may enjoy this delightful, witty, entertaining coming of age novel, with its subtle insights on social class, changing times, and human character. I give it five stars.

I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


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