The Bookshop of Second Chances (Book Review)

The Bookshop of Second Chances (Book Review)

The Bookshop of Second Chances book review

I’ve been reading some serious stuff lately, and in the spirit of my New Year’s resolution to get more margin in my life, I interrupted all that to read this light rom-com palette cleanser. (One of you blog readers recommended it to me, and I obviously listen to your suggestions!) I didn’t think I’d blog about it, it just being a late night, chocolate laden, chick-lit diversion– but I liked it– even though it is truly frothy.

The story is about a woman whose husband cheated on her with her friend, she loses her job, and inherits a house with an antique book collection in Scotland–simultaneously– which is all so convenient. Of course she moves there, gets a job in a bookshop whose owner is selling her inherited first editions, and also quite conveniently, falls in love. All that sounds ho hum, but she’s sassy, and he’s flawed, and frankly, it’s good to read something where unhappy people end up blissfully content.

If you want to read something easy breezy, but not totally insipid, you might want to slip this in between much more worthwhile reading. I give The Bookshop of Second Chances four stars. It’s only true fault is its extraneous unimportance. I’m refreshed now for more worthy pursuits.


I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Meg Hanson 3 years ago

    I am going to add that to my reading list! There is another author with a series of books with a similar theme. Totally fluffy and light, but good for a brief escape from the challenges of life. Jenny Colgan has multiple books where a woman loses her job and partner, moves to a remote place (small town on the coast, etc) finds an unlikely new job that is something she always wanted to do (running a bakery, etc) finds love, etc.

    • Author
      Polly Castor 3 years ago

      Thanks! Just requested two from my library.

  2. Dilys 2 years ago

    Thanks for this recommendation, Polly, I really enjoyed the book and was a welcome light read in between heavier tomes.
    I have just read Mala’s cat by Mala Kacenberg. It’s is a holocaust survivor’s story recommended by a local bookstore. Mala was a twelve year old Jewish girl living in Poland when the Second World War began. She through the help of her cat managed to negotiate their way through to the end of the war even though her family did not. It is both a horrifying and ultimately uplifting tale.


  1. […] 2. Bookstore of Second Chances (my review) […]

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