Somehow We’ll Get Through This (pastel) by Polly Castor
Take heart when navigation is complicated; somehow we will get through to the other side. That’s what this painting is about. It is titled Somehow We’ll get Through This, and is 22″x30,” done in pastel. The entire work is shown above, and close up details of it are shown below.
The original is available here for sale, unframed, hot off the easel and easy to mail.
If you’d like prints or merchandise with it on it, you can obtain that here.
The way there from here may be fraught and difficult, but we can get past it, into the light.
1 Comment
“To the burdened and weary, Jesus saith: ‘Come unto me.” O glorious hope!
there remaineth a rest for the righteous, a rest in Christ, a peace in Love. The
thought of it stills complaint; the heaving surf of life’s troubled sea
foams itself away, and underneath is a deep-settled calm”
Mary Baker Eddy in her book, Message to 1902, pg. 19