Grace Notes #10

Grace Notes #10

Grace Notes #10

This is a relatively newer, periodic, blog feature; I call it “grace notes.” It occasionally captures my jottings of incidental gratitude. My hope is that this practice will make me (and you?) more aware of the constant flow of amazing good we are perpetually steeped in, which we are surrounded by all the time. It is here only asking to be noticed and amplified.

So now I am furthering my ongoing goal of appreciating such a continuous, overflowing abundance of random good. I’ve even taken photographs of some of them –mostly with my iPhone–as shown in this post.

  • fog through big trees (see photo above)
  • warm homes in subzero temperatures
  • church friends in mink and hooded down (see photo)
  • January thaws
  • conscientiousness
  • a cleaning schedule to bless our house
  • that our son is “very happy” with his life and fulfilled in his job
  • all our family euphemisms silly as they may be
  • acknowledgement by others that I am “doing well”
  • flexibility and pragmatism
  • hoodoos in Bryce Canyon
  • chocolate truffles
  • unbiased Christian thought
  • unami
  • flexible strength
  • young people giving testimonies in church
  • macadamia nuts
  • a New Year full of regeneration
  • that reforming thought reforms the body
  • tonal contrast
  • good choices made
  • piles of good books to read
  • creative outside-the-box solutions
  • writers with fresh, authentic voices
  • ensconced in fleece blankets
  • gentleness with oneself
  • unexpected out of state plans
  • purple root vegetables (see photo)
  • cheerful opportunities to work toward
  • the biggest invoicing month in twenty one years of full time Christian Science practice
  • a friend to walk with at the mall early on a cold winter morning
  • good lines of communication with both our daughters
  • making sgraffito pottery for appreciative people
  • harmony in families and society
  • nourishment and sustanence
  • calm responses, gracious attitudes
  • going to see an acquaintance’s opening to see her pottery sculptures (see photo)
  • kindness among strangers
  • tickets to the symphony
  • late afternoon light on a sea stack (photo by older daughter)
  • finally a good movie to see
  • that I sold six paintings so far in my solo show at our local bookstore (thanks to some of you!)
  • paint soaking beautifully in my palette waiting to be cleaned (see photo)
  • awesome cribbage hands (see photo)
  • our daughter presenting her radio telescope research at the American Astronomical Society Convention all expenses paid (see photo)
  • an unending source of ideas
  • our grandnephew turns four (see photo)
  • grocery carts filled with snow (see photo)
  • the right kind of expectation that speeds our progress
  • the ever permanence of good
  • friends loaning books and returning them
  • grapefruit in the morning sun (see photo)
  • that we are in control of how we respond
  • embracing silence
  • Facebook changing their algorithm so we see more from our friends and family
  • knitting group and book club
  • cooking fresh artichokes (see photo)
  • roses in the kitchen from my husband on the morning of our anniversary
  • warm boots
  • inspiring speeches
  • halibut and asparagus with capers (see photo)
  • all-absorbing spiritual love
  • lives changed for the better
  • never giving up a good opportunity to shut up
  • checked off to-do lists
  • that art is prayer
  • loyalty and fidelity
  • deadlines
  • whistling hymns
  • the sanctity of marriage
  • good breeding
  • getting beyond form
  • nothing can compete with God’s law
  • balanced values
  • accepting the past for what it was and leaving it there
  • patients who are healed
  • a photo of our daughter’s pottery made the college-wide calendar for the month of August (see photo)
  • a big hunk of tuna steak with garlic lemon herb sauce (see photo)
  • octopuses
  • trusting God with our desires
  • purification
  • letting go
  • new blog readers
  • anyone reading this post!

Add some more in the comments!

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I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Thank you for this post Polly. Helpful today. See e-mail. xo Ruth

    • Author
      Polly Castor 7 years ago

      Glad you enjoyed this post. Did you get my email response to your question?

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