Here is another post of my Bible study notes; these are from the end of January 2016 until now. (You can see one before with links here.)
I encourage you to put what you study in your own words, and take notes of snippets as action items for yourself. Then follow up and try to do them.
Try to get beyond platitudes, theology, parroting back, being comfortable, or struggling. Find what you can use. Find what you can try doing yourself. Then give it a go.
Some of this stuff is admittedly a far reach and very tall orders, but any attempt in the right direction is worth the effort. Just in trying we are made better, and commune more closely.
What if we all took the injunctions we wrote down from our respective study as seriously as our grocery lists? We buy groceries to survive and feed our inner hunger, and not so differently, we must do these things to thrive individually and collectively as well.
Lean on the sustaining infinite!
Move in accord with God!
Divest thought of false trusts!
Have calm and exalted thoughts!
Let your light shine!
Seek God first!
Emerge gently!
Reflect God’s goodness and power!
Do no wrong to another!
Speak truth to every form of error!
Bind up the broken-hearted!
Live consistently with your prayer!
Do not doubt the supremacy of good!
Focus on what is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of a good report!