I found this quote by Umair Haique in the Harvard Business Review blog encouraging:
“If America wants to create the future… it’s going to have to prefer to buy stuff that offers real benefits, to work on stuff of real worth, to invest rather than just speculate, to educate and dedicate its time, energy, and resources not merely to more-bigger-faster-cheaper-nastier-now but to smarter, fitter, wiser, fairer, humbler, closer. Not giving up on the future requires the furious pursuit of living more meaningfully well in the present.”
Let’s do this!
(In pondering how to depict this quote in photos, I chose the photo above representing an enormous package store full of GMOs, pesticides and growth hormones, as opposed to the photo below where I more commonly shop, which is local, family owned and organic. The other day I waited while the owner – whose name I know – went to collect me fresh eggs from under the chickens out back… This is only one example. How many other contrasts can you think of that this quote brings to mind? What ones can you implement in your life to make it more meaningful, and thereby contribute to collectively ushering in a future we want?)