Where is God at Christmas (New Poem by Polly Castor)
God is with the pregnant, the humble, the loyal.
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Recent Pages in my Bible Lesson Study Journal
Here are my most recent jottings and notes in my Bible study journal.
“Love Not the World?!” (Polly Preaching #6)
Here I repudiate the passage where the Bible tells us not to love the world.
Be the Light of the World (Gregory Boyle Quote)
Like this weeping cherry tree, be who you are and shine forth!
Recent Bible Lesson Journal Pages
My ongoing, in depth, Bible Lesson study goes on. See in these pages what I've been both thinking about...
My Article for Easter in Three Connecticut Newspapers Today
Read here how I would define the meaning of Easter: Jesus came to show us we live forever.
Hosanna Lyrics with Palm Sunday Paintings
Listen to this classic Palm Sunday song while revisiting last year's Palm Sunday paintings.
Four New Pastel Paintings of Old Testament Stories with Animals
Here I both summarize and stylize four stories from the Old Testament by painting them in pastel.
Recent Bible Lesson Journal Pages
I encourage you to keep your own ongoing journal of your spiritual study. Here are recent pages from mine.