Grace Notes (#53 with Photos)
I am furthering my ongoing goal of appreciating such a continuous, overflowing abundance of random good.
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Cloudscapes in Black and White (Photos)
It was so interesting watching the clouds move, when at ground level all was still. I hope I captured...
Nostrand Preserve (Hike Photos)
As usual I find myself appreciating an attitude of mindfulness, with attentiveness to nature and abstract composition.
Our Daughter’s PhD Graduation (And She Has a Job!)
We are so proud of how she’s handled herself and for all her hard work in bringing forward the...
Orchids for Mother’s Day (Photos)
These little floral apostles only hint at how miraculously you are made and how unique and precious you are!
Recent Black & White Photography
Studying the world this way heightens my awareness, and is a good exercise in mindfulness, while also helping underpin...
The Rest of my Photos from DC and Alexandria
Here are some of the other highlights from our recent trip, along with an itinerary summary.
United States Botanical Gardens (Photos)
What could be better to dwell on for Earth Day than a diversity of plants?