Some Still Life Paintings by Others that I Enjoy
All these explore something other than the things themselves, which I wholeheartedly embrace.
Three New Abstracted StillLife Paintings in Pastel
I do not often do still life paintings, but here are a few I did this week, ranging from...
The Woman Who Heard Color (Book Review)
This book is about the woman who Hitler recruited to deal with all the "degenerate art" which included everything...
Two New Pastel Paintings about my Childhood
Memories from childhood is a fertile ground for painting ideas...
My Abstraction Powerpoint Available to Groups on Zoom
Are you looking for engaging, remote programming?
Two New Impressionistic Cityscapes in Pastel
A quiet city and a noisy one; a solitary experience of the city and a congested one.
Recent Artist Journal Pages (now with Quotes)
In this post you can see my pages since the new year–all part of my processing that goes into...
Happy Valentine’s Day!
These hearts are a window into my Soul, so colorful and varied, full of Love for you.
Landscape Painting Now (Book Review with Painting Photos)
it was good to see a book on modern landscape painting that takes the genre seriously by serious artists,...
Lush (New Painting in Pastel)
Sitting as I am in a February snowbank, who wouldn't be dreaming of lush?
Two New Impressionist Paintings in Pastel
Here are the two impressionistic paintings I painted this week.