Missing You This Year
On this special day
when you came to be with us,
so many trips around the sun ago,
I want to say I’ve missed you this year,
separated as we are
by a continent and pandemic,
but never in our hearts.
We are proud of your progress,
your wisdom, prowess, and astuteness.
You are handling a huge, hard job
with poise, sagacity, and aplomb.
You are loyal and capable,
honorable and authentic.
You are tireless in your care,
raising standards, and inspiring hope.
You value freedom and fresh air,
servant leadership and morality,
education and equality, nature,
intelligence, good food,
and lovingkindness.
You like beautiful things,
appreciating aesthetic design
and functional craftsmanship.
As focused and as effective
as you are in your career,
you also like an escape into
story, wilderness, snuggling,
or a lingering phone call.
It is so gratifying to watch you
build a meaningful life,
learn to pray, make good choices,
and sort through priorities.
Yes, it is a work in progress,
but that’s called life, and you are
a great example of living robustly.
So while I haven’t gotten
to see you in person
this calendar year,
I behold you in my Mind’s eye,
very cherished and supported,
harmoniously maintained,
protected, and adored.
It is such happy day
that you exist in this world!
I’m so very grateful!
You are a blessing.
I celebrate you
and love you,
today and always.
by Polly Castor
The picture of the “oyster bed?” Is so intriguing…..never seen this before…
Mendocino California.
Aren’t these Mussels and Anemones?
But then I have not seen an oyster bed!And Polly: your Be-Day Celebration letter to your daughter
is beautiful! She is beautiful! You and James are beautiful!
Life is Beautiful! Let’s continue celebrating it in every way
We are all just SO BEAUTIFUL…
Perfect, immortal ideas of The One Beautiful Mind!Amen