Tattooed on Your Heart
What do you have tattooed on your heart?
What is irrevocably etched on your soul, your being, your character?
Is it lovingkindness, gently giving voice only to good?
Is it quietly getting done with poise and focus what needs to be accomplished?
Is it gratefully making the most of what you’ve been given and returning the favor?
Is it being confident that you are more than adequate for whatever will be required of you?
Is it immense effort and generous support for others while still showing up for yourself?
Is it plenty of energy, loads of inspiration, graceful tact, and impartial wisdom?
Is it vibrant health so strong it radiates outward to include everyone?
Is it a capacity for satisfying, harmonious relationships that exalt all those in your midst?
Is it a creative pulse vibrating through each deed your hands touch upon?
Is it an eternal awareness so acute that the invisible is seen as tangibly real?
Is it a humbleness of spirit that glorifies the divine source in mind, thought, and action?
Flaunt these marks of distinction instead ink on your body.
These decisions you will never regret.
Let them decorate you
and demonstrate your uniqueness!
Polly Castor