Heroes of all Kinds (New Poem by Polly Castor)

Heroes of all Kinds (New Poem by Polly Castor)
Heroes of All Kinds Poem by Polly Castor

Beyond the Call of Duty (acrylic) by Polly Castor

Heroes of All Kinds

On Memorial Day
we usually think of
military sacrifice
which is exceptional
but this year
I’m cherishing
hospital staff,
first responders,
and essential workers,
including all those
that do the thankless jobs
and arn’t usually recognized,
like the morticians,
the meat packers,
the fixers of the sewers.
Heroes come in all kinds
and sizes and colors,
from all job descriptions
and corners of life.
Each of us is the hero
of our own life,
but if we are
a hero to others
it is a question
of selfless service,
genuine help,
integrity, defense,
and conscientious repair.
A balm of assistance.
A champion of the good.
A rectifier of the peace.
A brave advocate,
a superstar
that stocks the shelves,
that does the laundry,
that changes the diaper,
that mows the lawn,
that teaches the kids,
that fixes the gutter,
that tends the elderly,
that washes the dishes,
that brightens the day,
that protects the weak,
that fortifies the garrison,
that faces down addiction,
that plants the garden,
that forgives the debts,
that energizes the apathetic,
that mends the heart.
Let’s remember
all these and more,
the peacemakers, the punctual,
those that are patient and kind,
those that turn the other cheek,
those that refuse to anger,
gossip, or speak ill.
Let’s each leave a potent legacy,
a beautiful flower strewn path
of tremendously valid reasons
for being duly appreciated.
Let’s all be the hero
of much more
than our own story;
and let’s celebrate
all those who are.

by Polly Castor

Heroes of All Kinds poem by Polly Castor

Peak Experience (acrylic) by Polly Castor

I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Mary Jo Beebe 5 years ago

    I would love to learn more about art abstraction–just because I want to. I love art and am a learner. I don’t belong to art associations who could invite you to Texas to do your program. And then there is the little thing about our time with social distancing that seems a limitation.

    Do you have a video of your talk with the slides? I’m wondering if people would pay to “come to” your talk online? I would.
    With appreciation,
    Mary Jo

    • Author
      Polly Castor 5 years ago

      Good thought. I’ll think on it. Thank you.

  2. Sue Krevitt 5 years ago

    Thank YOU, Polly, for YOUR Sweet and Swell Service to your Blog-Fans!

    Love your Poem, today.

    Every Poem.

    You amaze.

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