Empty Nesting (i.e. What Now?)

Empty Nesting (i.e. What Now?)


So many of you have asked what are our plans now that we have no children left under our roof that I thought it might be expedient to answer that question here. The short answer, obviously, is that we’ll have more time for ourselves.

I’ll have more time to study Christian Science, to pray and grow my practice, to paint and explore creative mediums (gosh I have so many ideas I’ve been waiting to try!), as well as more time to read, write, blog, and exercise. I have made a commitment to finally get regular daily (rather than sporadic) exercise– walking mostly with some swimming and biking. Maybe I can finally get some good habits going! I’m starting to post more on Instagram (find me @PollyCastor), because that’s where the young people I want to keep up with are. I have a giant amount of stuff to sort and boxes to go through, which sounds terribly dull, but I’ll be so glad when it is done. Also, James and I can play cribbage after dinner, go on hikes together, and generally have more time for each other. We can finally eat what we want, without avoiding foods (like bulgur or black beans) that our children refused to eat. And maybe I’ll even get back to wearing lipstick, which my children bullied me into abolishing.

James and I have made two ongoing lists on our refrigerator; using Stephen Covey’s metaphor of big rocks and gravel. We have one list for Big Rocks (example: paint the stair treads) and another for Gravel (example: trellis up the raspberries). The idea is we are to list to-do items as they occur to us on these lists where appropriate, and each do one piece of “gravel” each day, and one “Big Rock” each week. This way maybe we can whittle away at all the chores that sorely need attending to around here.

In the near future, I am going to Creative Arts Camp in Maine again in September, this time taking a Silversmithing class, which I’ve never done before. Then in October, I am taking a week long plein air pastel class, sponsored by the Connecticut Pastel Society, taught by one of America’s most eminent living pastel artists, Richard McKinley. I’m looking forward to both these treats very much.

So the real answer is, “We’ll see!” Hang around here on the blog and find out with me as God unfolds the good. But let me say again: I’m so glad you are here with me. When I started this daily blog over six years ago, I knew it would be good to have through this particular transition. And I was right. I am so glad to have it as an outlet, as well as being in touch with each of you readers as a connection to the larger world beyond.

Meanwhile, there are a lot of tomatoes out there that need harvesting!

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I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.

1 Comment

  1. Julie Yates 10 years ago

    Loved this post because I’ve been through it. You’ll find a new rhythm to life and just when you’ve settled into it, everyone will come home for the holidays! Seriously, it’s gravy time! If all else fails- grab a RV and go off to see the world! Big hugs!

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