A Glade to the Side of Stonington Beach (pastel) by Polly Castor
Thinking forward to future gorgeous sights on our upcoming trip out west, I primed the pump by painting in the studio this favorite spot in Maine from a photograph. This work is larger than most of what I will do on the trip, measuring about 11″ x 14″, and is done in soft pastel.
I love ALL your artwork !
So Glad!
Just looked at all your artwork done on the trip. Very impressive the amount you accomplished plein air and then from photos too, you have plenty to work from! You have a great color sense–very Californian. Check out Ron Elstad on FB. He posts many artists who see as you do–he does as well. And what about Laura? Did she let you take any pics of what she did? The rose she drew at my house was impressive, I thought!!