Marsh Morning (pastel) by Polly Castor
This is the first Connecticut Pastel Society show that I have been in. I look forward to doing more with this group in the future, and I was surprised to learn that there are over 600 members! A photo of my painting in the show is above; it is titled Marsh Morning.
We went to the opening last Saturday which you can see below in the photos. The quality of work in the show was excellent and the people seem wonderful. The venue was a bit crammed and it was awkward to photograph some of the paintings because of where they were placed. I was content with the placement of my work, but there were others I wished I could see closer up. My favorite one in the show is at the very bottom of this post.
If you want to see this show for yourself, it is at Gallery 53, 53 Colony Street, Meriden, CT through March 28, 2015.
1 Comment
[…] the farm. I made the above chard from the farm out of pastel for the show and am also showing the Marsh Morning painting that I recently showed at the Connecticut Pastel Society show. The later one people seem to be really enjoying here as it is of a spot just around the […]