My Heart Goes Out to LA
I want you to know– especially you southern Californians that are experiencing the devastation of the recent fires– that...
Post Election Bits and Clips 2024
It's time to stop being bewildered, and start rolling up our sleeves. It's not over until Love wins.
Following Jesus in a Warming World (Book Review with Quotes)
It is our Christian duty to remediate a problem like this that we have perpetrated, not only on the...
How to Foster Civility
To foster civility, I would simplify it down to being unabashedly authentic, and to amplify every good around you...
How We Might Speak to Each Other More Clearly (Poem by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer)
Let's let the sky do all the talking...
Feminism, Progress, and Girl Power
The following list is of NINE things a woman couldn’t do in 1971...
How to “Grey Rock” a Narcissist
The term grey rocking may stem from the durability, dispassionateness, and longevity of a simple grey rock, but I...
How to Be an Antiracist (Book Review with Quotes)
This book clarifies some terms and helps the reader start on the path out of denial.
The Black and White of the Insurrection (Bits and Clips)
A sad day for America, but a revealing one as well. Please help pray for this country.