My New Landscape Pastel Step by Step
I did this pastel last weekend. It is 11” x 14” and titled Summer Shade with Lyla. I took...
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New Abstract Painting by me: Italian Opera
Inspired by Italian opera, this painting was done in oil pastel.
Two Representational Paintings Done at Creative Arts Camp
While I was on the last leg of finishing the pastel painting above, I saw the remarkable light over...
Finished Large Pastel from Last Fall
I started this last fall on my unheated side porch but its completion was interrupted by snow at the...
In Oil Pastel: Air, Earth, Water and Fire
Here is an exercise I did in oil pastel of the four basic elements of air, earth, water and...
Two Meditations in Oil Pastel
Overtly exploring the connection between art and spirituality, these two non-objective works were literally meditations. Aurora Borealis (oil...
My New Pastel Painting: In Kent with Jill
This I just painted of a stunningly memorable afternoon in Kent with my friend Jill. We do not have...
Pastel Idea
At first glance, I thought these were black and white photographs, but they are actually black, white and gray...
Two New Paintings
Last night I was what my mom would have called “beside myself.” I was exhausted and would have gone...
I Finished My Big Pastel Painting
This is the painting I started in my pastel class. It is the largest pastel I’ve ever done. It...