From a Christmas Eve Letter in 1513
No peace lies in the future which is not hidden in this present little instant.
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (Movie Review)
This film delivers its seasonal message without being sanctimonious, preachy, or overly sweet.
Maimonides’ Eight Levels of Charity (Happy Thanksgiving!)
On Thanksgiving, I usually wax on about gratitude and thankfulness, which I feel so much and so often, but...
Merry Christmas from our House to Yours
I hope you have a very happy day and know you are deeply loved.
O Holy Night
Fall on your knees; O hear the Angel voices! O night divine, O night when Christ was born
Let the Angels Tell Them (Poem by Jane Murdock)
Isaiah of old said, “Hear now, behold, a virgin, conceiving, shall bear a son.”