Quotes for National Bible Week
Blog reader Libby shared with me some quotes her friend Karen put in the Palo Alto Reading Room window...
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Thanksgiving 2011
This is what I shared at our town’s ecumenical Thanksgiving service last Tuesday night. Everyone always has these things...
Today’s Newspaper Article by me: Recognizing Good Around Us Helps Us Find More
I am a regular contributor to the Danbury News Times Forum on Faith column, which is also picked up...
Ten Ways to Love (and Be a Better Christian)
In recent weeks I’ve been pondering the list below, posted by my brother-in-law on Facebook. I regularly do pretty...
Today’s Fresh Thought About Heaven
Often we think of heaven as an arrival, either here or hereafter, but wisdom eventually teaches us that...
New Poem by me: Tattooed on Your Heart
Tattooed on Your Heart What do you have tattooed on your heart? What is irrevocably etched on your soul,...
Thoughts on the Tower of Babel
I have studied the story of the tower of Babel before. To me it is a lesson about...
Creative Arts Camp 2011: The Bible Lesson
One of the great things about Creative Arts Camp is the morning meeting where we start our day...
Book Review: Paul the Apostle
This book is excellent for a thorough look at the life of the Apostle Paul and a detailed examination...
My Article was Reprinted in the Sentinel
My newspaper article about Christian Science and doctors was reprinted in the August 22, 2011 issue of the Christian...