The Golden Text in this week’s Christian Science Bible Lesson is from II Thessalonians (2:13)...
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Best of 2014
Wow. I’ve finished six years on this daily blog. That's 2,190 entries! Here's my traditional list of "best blog...
Sacred Bits and Clips for Christmas
As you prepare for the rebirth of the Christ child in your heart, I thought you might appreciate these...
Be Positive and Don’t Bear False Witness
A month ago a blog reader and I agreed to take one quality of Spirit each month and focus...
Free Print Christian Science Lectures
This is an unnecessarily bare-bones site graphically, but it has tons of print lectures on Christian Science available from...
New Poem: Advent
Full orbed and pregnantly expecting, the world races around in gestation, waiting for the babe of reconciliation to arrive...
Thanksgiving Articles and Services
On behalf of local Christian Scientists, Monday evening I officiated (with other faith groups) in the Interfaith Thanksgiving...
The Two Places Jesus Told Us to Go
We are to go “into the closet” where materialism is silenced to pray and commune with the divine. We...
Quote About Power and True Ambition
Right is the only real potency; and the only true ambition is to serve God and to help the...
My Newspaper Article About Evil
I think we will all ultimately experience evil as impotent, because we will each realize that we prefer to...
Quote about God in the Driver’s Seat
When he sees little kids sitting in the back seat of cars, in those car seats that have steering...
Historical Christian Science Lectures
Our website for the Christian Science Churches in Connecticut has just been redone, and I thought it might be...