Two Quotes on Effort and Success
“Nothing will give permanent success in any enterprise in life, except native ability cultivated by honest and persevering effort....
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Tithing Time
How appropriate on leap year to be thinking about time. Since many blessings come from tithing, I’ve been thinking,...
Words with Friends
I have been enjoying playing “Words with Friends” with my sister via our mutual iPhones. She lives in...
Epiphany: Economics not Engineering
Our son just came back from graduating from the National Leadership Council program in Colorado. Apparently he had an...
Golden Rule, Silver Rule and Diamond Rule
This thought of three rules instead of one was shared at our church testimony meeting. I liked it and...
Guidelines for Mutuality
At my monthly town clergy meeting yesterday we discussed these “guidelines for mutuality” which are ways to overcome conflict,...
Don’t Worry about Tomorrow
I’ve been thinking about these four quotes juxtaposed with each other and thought they may hit the nail on...
50 Ways to Show Kids You Care
This list was in our local paper and I thought it worth sharing: 1) Acknowledge them 2) Learn...
4,242 Rubik’s Cubes and Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King was a great man and I honor his legacy. I wanted to share an extraordinary portrait...
Newspaper Article by my Daughter: Healthcare Law Doesn’t Accommodate Christian Science
Here is today’s newspaper article, written this time by my daughter instead of me about her experience on Capitol...
25 Practical Ideas
Thank you to devoted blog reader Patricia C. for sharing this. I thought many of these were interesting.
Buying a Ball Gown
For my oldest daughter’s birthday we gave her a dress to wear to a fancy “cotillion” at school. She...