New Pastel Landscape: Early Autumn Ice and Fog
I’ve wanted to paint this since taking a photo of this scene of ice and fog early one fall...
Black Felted Bag is Finished
This bag has been on the knitting needles for probably two years, much of the last of that time...
Featured Artist: Erin Hanson
Erin Hanson is one of my favorite living artists. If I had money and wall space I would be...
Book Review: Realistic Abstracts
This book is better than most of its kind. I give it 4 stars. You can see below both...
Saul Bellow Quote
“I feel that art has something to do with the achievement of stillness in the midst of chaos. A...
Recent Doodles in my Artist’s Journal
Here are the recent pen and ink doodles done in my artist journal, where I try out ideas...
Recent Beading by Our Youngest
I thought you might want to check out some of the recent beading projects by our youngest daughter. They...
Best of 2014
Wow. I’ve finished six years on this daily blog. That's 2,190 entries! Here's my traditional list of "best blog...
Pottery I Made for Christmas
Here is the pottery I made for Christmas, which includes the first lidded pot I’ve ever made; I gave...