I love to paint. I love children’s books. And I love twitter. This project is an intersection of these three.
David Sandum, a twitter friend (@DavidSandumArt) has a heart that went out to his library in Moss, Norway whose funding for buying children’s books was cut. He has an active twitter life with fellow artists around the world, so he cooked up a twitter art event as a fundraiser for his library. His idea was getting 140 artists to send postcard sized works (representing 140 characters) to be sold for $32 each, all proceeds of which would be spent on children’s books. I thought this was inspired and committed to contribute a piece of art.
So here is what I sent! I called it The Joy of Children’s Books. You can see a closer image below. With it I’m sending blessings of infinite good to the purchaser of my piece, to all the children in Moss, and to all my twitter friends. (By the way, if you want to follow me on twitter, I’m @PollyCastor.)
You may wish to click here to see what one of my other twitter friends sent in as well. The show opens in Norway on December 1st, 2010.
Don’t you love how small the world is getting and how quickly love and help and inspiration and hope can swirl and spread? This project is a luminous example of that.

The Joy of Children’s Books (collage) by Polly Castor
1 Comment
[…] have done the Twitter Art Exhibits since the first one in Moss, Norway in 2010 (click here to see my blog about my submission for that), when it was held to support the purchase of children’s books for the library […]